Enhanced Hair Quality with Hair Volume™ Post Menopause

Enhanced Hair Quality with Hair Volume™ Post Menopause
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Enhanced Hair Quality with Hair Volume™ Post Menopause

We are delighted to share news of our latest product development with you – a hair supplement specially designed for women experiencing menopause. It’s the first of its kind. Hair Volume™ Post Menopause is an innovative post menopause supplement tailored to address the specific hair concerns of post-menopausal women.

Menopause and hair loss: How Menopause Affects Hair Quality

Embarking on the journey through menopause brings about a series of transformations within a woman’s body. One outcome of menopause that is often overlooked is the changes it brings to the quality and health of your hair. Hormonal shifts occurring during and after menopause significantly influence the texture, thickness, and overall appearance of hair.

Hair Volume™ Post Menopause: A solution to your hair concerns

Hair Volume™ Post Menopause is a post menopause supplement that responds to these changes, relying on an annurca apple extract with natural procyanidin B2, alongside B vitamins, maritime pine bark, and the ingredients from the original Hair Volume™ formula, including 2 essential amino acids for keratin creation, millet for the silica content and pantothenic acid.

Balancing Hormonal Activity and Natural Hair Care

Central to Hair Volume™ Post Menopause’s mechanism is its vitamin B6 content. Vitamin B6 is recognised for its role in hormonal regulation. Additionally, the supplement contains zinc and biotin, which contribute to sustaining normal hair and skin.

Post menopause supplement helps hair strength and helps to preserve hair’s natural appearance

The inclusion of horsetail extract, a renowned hair-enhancing ingredient, is designed to encourage hair creation in the root of the hair. Working in tandem with zinc, this extract also supports the maintenance of nails. Copper – a vital component of Hair Volume™ Post Menopause – supports natural pigmentation of your hair, adding to the product’s appeal if you are seeking to maintain your hair’s appearance.

Hair Volume™ Post Menopause: A scientific approach to nurturing hair quality

Hair Volume™ Post Menopause is a clinically documented formulation that addresses the multifaceted nature of the menopausal transition. It offers a scientific approach to nurturing hair quality. If you are searching for a hair loss remedy, Hair Volume™ Post Menopause is an excellent post menopause supplement for you.


Hair Volume™ Post Menopause is based on an annurca apple extract with natural procyanidin B2. The tablet contains the same ingredients as the original Hair Volume™ plus B vitamins and maritime pine bark. Hair Volume™ Post Menopause tablets have a high content of vitamin B6, which contributes to regulating hormone activity.

ZINC & BIOTIN | Zinc and biotin helps to maintain normal hair and skin.
HORSETAIL | promotes hair growth and strengthening and contribute to maintaining normal nails.
COPPER | contributes to a normal pigmentation of the hair.